Beetles & Fungi

Beetle Biology
Learn more about bark and ambrosia beetles.

Pests, Pests, Pests
Learn about the interplay between bark beetles, trees, and fungi.
Forest Pest & Disease Diagnostics

Frass & Noodles
Visit our global community for bark beetle researchers and fans.

Pests & Pathogens
Visit our Forest Health Forum on Facebook.

Identify Bark & Ambrosia Beetles
Learn how to get a free identification.
Online Keys
- Key to North American Xyleborini: Gomez et al. 2018
- Southeast Asian Xyleborini Tool Smith et al. 2022
- SE Asian Xyleborini Monograph Smith et al 2020
- Illustrated list of Xyleborini of North America (last updated 2015)
- Ips species of the World
- Key to Scolytini of Russia Petrov et al. 2019
- Tomicus Kirkendall Faccoli Ye 2008
- Genera (Wood 1986) Jiri’s version
- Beaver & Gebhardt Scolytoplatypus
- Common species in Florida
- Key to Xyleborini genera (last update 2010)
- Xyleborini of Papua New Guinea
- Bark Beetles of Europe
Beetle Resources
- Andrew Johnson’s zoomable bark and ambrosia beetles of Florida
- AI-powered automated identification of bark beetles
- Bark beetle mycobiome methods
- ERUDITUS: the first bark beetle training mobile phone app
- T. Atkinson’s bark beetles of the Americas
- Beetle images and inventory at the UF Forest Entomology lab
- Bark Beetle Calligraphy
- The Xyleborini taxonomy database
- Coffee Berry Borer Emergency in Papua New Guinea
- Bark beetle genera of the US
- USDA-APHIS fact sheets for selected exotic species